#KITRIspotlight in lockdown

We launched our #KITRIspotlight series, to shine a light on brilliant and talented, go-getting women that we have the pleasure of meeting. From an amazing artist, to a Creative Director of a tech company, jewellery brand founders to a bestselling author; our Journal has hosted some truly inspiring women.
As we're all in lockdown, we're sadly unable to shoot a new Spotlight this month, so we've taken it as an opportunity to connect with three of our previous Spotlights to ask them how they are getting through the lockdown.

Joanna Payne, Founder of Marguerite London
"For me, lockdown life has been quite a rollercoaster of emotions! I’d just moved into a new flat when it began and am living on my own for the first time. On gorgeous days when the sun is blazing through the windows, it’s a total dream - but when things go wrong - like my new dining table arriving at the moment my building’s lift broke (I live on the 5th floor!), living alone during a lockdown can all feel a bit much! Saying this, my friends and family are all safe and healthy, so I know I’m very lucky.
Some days I’m super focussed on work whereas others, I find myself going on long walks, staring at my phone for hours and not being very productive at all. As I’m writing this, it’s a rainy Friday afternoon so I think I’ll turn on Netflix and crack a big bar of Green & Blacks in a minute! I think all of these things are ok and none of us should be expecting too much of ourselves during a global pandemic.
As an events company, we’re of course not able to do much of our usual work so we have turned our attention online. Since lockdown began, we’ve launched a jobs board for freelancers who’ve lost work as well as a forum to support small businesses. We’ve also been hosting online talks and workshops and are now running ‘Marguerite Creates’ every Saturday and Sunday morning where creatives are showing us how to do things like draw our house plants; paint daisies on our nails; make simple home improvements; and take better photographs on our phones! We wanted to provide activities so you could try something new and maybe even get that “Oh my god! I did it!” feeling I think we all need a bit of right now! Join us on our Instagram Live for those."
Read Joanna Payne's #KITRIspotlight

"Living through lockdown is a funny one for us all. I'm counting my gratitude’s daily that I live in a safe environment with two of my best friends, have food in my belly and all those that I love are currently healthy and staying well. Other than that, I'm taking some learnings from my time in chemo-induced quarantine and that's to do this day-by-day.
Some days I am really productive and positive, others I'm heavy and weepy and missing my family loads. Having projects like Lockdown Lip Sync is keeping me busy and putting me in the best mood, hoping it does the same for others too. Getting out for a run or walk daily is something I wasn't really doing at the start but now it's a key part of self-care. I get dressed up for them too, I'm glad the weather is improving so that I can wear my KITRI dresses on my local mooches. Listening to music. LOUD. And having a dance in my pants has been a sure-fire mood lifter too.
For anyone struggling please just remember that this is temporary and we're halfway there it seems. Am so grateful of those staying home even when it's difficult or dangerous for them too. And to those such as our frontliners, who put themselves at risk for our safety. Next level gratitude."
Read Lauren Mahon's #KITRIspotlight

Harriet Parry, Floral Stylist and Artist
"I feel very lucky that my creative brain comes kind of equipped for weird times like now....I am able to occupy myself by creating and, in turn hopefully producing work that inspires others, bringing some extra happiness at times when we need it most!
The social media community over the last few weeks has become increasingly filled with warmth. A real sense of togetherness. In response to this, I have been setting challenges and tasks, as well as sharing floral how-to's, to get everyone involved.
I have been overwhelmed with wonderful messages over the last few weeks with people saying how I have inspired them to make, create and work on projects they may not have started before! Creativity is so important for people to tap into at moments of stress and anxiety, as it adds a sense of calm and mindfulness.
Working with flowers is such an honour and a continual reminder to take a leaf out of nature's book. We must try not to over worry and overthink. Be kind to ourselves and others! Just be; like nature does!"
Read Harriet Parry's #KITRIspotlight
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